India: A baby became puberty at the age of 18 months

 India: A baby became puberty at the age of 18 months

In India, a baby was born with an extreme case of early puberty. Indeed, the boy went through the process of typical puberty when he was only 18 months old. His voice, his genitals and his behavior have changed, he has even developed acne. Doctors diagnosed her with premature puberty. His parents opted for brain surgery, doctors then removed some of the abnormal tissue from his hypothalamus successfully and the child and returned to normal for his age.

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Puberty refers to the transition period between childhood and adulthood. It is linked to the activation of a complex system in the brain that includes nerve cells located in the hypothalamus and a gland that secretes hormones: the pituitary gland.

 India: A baby became puberty at the age of 18 months

The hypothalamus rhythmically releases a hormone called GnRH into the bloodstream, which stimulates the production by the pituitary gland of two hormones, FSH (folliculo-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). Released into circulation, these two hormones will act on cells located in the ovaries (girls) or testicles (boys). The ovaries and testicles produce hormones and sex cells at puberty, and are responsible for the usual body and behavioral changes at this time.

India: A baby became puberty at the age of 18 months

Much more common in boys

Statistically, 97% of girls and boys become puberty before the age of 13 and 14. Puberty is characterized by the development of secondary sexual traits (chest, hair, testicular size), accelerated growth, the occurrence of menstruation in girls and the acquisition of reproductive possibility. By definition, a girl who does not have breasts at the age of 13 or a boy who has childhood testicles at 14 years of age has pubertal delay. Puberty delay is much more common in boys than in girls. The absence of signs of puberty is often poorly tolerated psychologically, and adolescents (and their parents) consult because of the absence of chest or hair. There is often a small associated size, in the absence of the acceleration of growth that occurs at puberty.

 India: A baby became puberty at the age of 18 months

The question for the doctor is to distinguish between adolescents whose absence of puberty is linked to a disease, and therefore may be permanent, which will require treatment, teenagers whose puberty will begin normally, but out of step with the usual age, later. Indeed, genetic factors would explain more than half the age of the onset of puberty. This is why, when a teenage person is asked about pubertal delay, there is very often a history of late puberty in the family (parents, siblings).

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