Si vous trouvez cet insecte chez vous, allez voir un médecin d’urgence

 If you find this insect in your home, go to an emergency doctor

Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is caused by a parasite that, once entered the human body, causes heart problems that can lead to death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people affected by the disease is estimated at between 6 and 7 million. This disease can only be cured if treatment is done shortly after infection. This is why it is important to recognize the warning signs and symptoms. This article gives you some details.

Si vous trouvez cet insecte chez vous, allez voir un médecin d’urgence

Development of Chagas disease

This parasitic disease has developed the most in the tropical regions of Central and South America and was discovered by Brazilian physician Carlos Ribeiro Chagas. The transmitter parasite is called the resuvius, or triatoma, and is native to the southern United States, Mexico and Central and South Africa. This small, seemingly innocuous insect resembles the mosquito because it also feeds on human blood. However, he attacks his victims in the face. A bite from this insect does not systematically cause the disease. At first, the bite causes only itching, but as soon as this part is scraped, the parasite enters the body and causes its feces (carrier of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, responsible for the disease) into the lesion, in the eyes, in the mouth, or any other part of the skin.

Symptoms that may help you recognize Chagas disease

In general, the symptoms of Chagas disease can be equated with flu signs, making it difficult to diagnose the disease. Symptoms begin to appear about two months after this parasite is infected. When symptoms begin to appear, the affected person may have lesions on the skin (blue) or swollen, purple eyelids. Here are some clues that may cause you to make a more advanced diagnosis or start treatment:

skin lesion or purplish swelling of the eyelids in one eye;

Si vous trouvez cet insecte chez vous, allez voir un médecin d’urgence

fever, headache, lymphedema, pallor;

muscle pain, breathing difficulties;

.edema and abdominal or chest pain (without having performed any athletic effort.)

According to the WHO, during the chronic phase, parasites are mainly hiding in the heart muscle and digestive muscles. Up to 30% of patients suffer from heart problems and up to 10% from digestive disorders.

Chagas disease can be avoided, however, by taking a few precautions.

Recommendation from the Centre for Disease Prevention and WHO

. Close cracks and burrows around windows, doors, walls and ceilings;

. Eliminate brush, stones and wood near your home;

Si vous trouvez cet insecte chez vous, allez voir un médecin d’urgence

. Protect doors and windows with mosquito nets and repair cracks and burrows;

Si vous trouvez cet insecte chez vous, allez voir un médecin d’urgence

. Allow your pet to sleep inside a part of the house at night;

. Maintain hygiene in your home and in outdoor animal areas;

. Screen blood donors;

. Screen donors and recipients of organs, tissues or cells;

Si vous trouvez cet insecte chez vous, allez voir un médecin d’urgence

'Track newborns of infected mothers, and siblings of infected children for early diagnosis and treatment;

. WHO also recommends the use of insecticides to be sprayed especially near places where food is stored, especially if you are travelling to countries at risk.

If you follow these tips, you will eliminate the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite as much as possible and you will be less likely to be bitten and infected by the insect.

In case you find one of these dangerous rebels, here you have to do:

. Avoid touching or crushing it;

. Cover it with a container and slide it inside;

. Then fill the container with alcohol or put it in the freezer;

. Contact a de-insecting service, health service or university species identification laboratory immediately.

To keep up with the parasite, here are the places you need to watch (where you are likely to find the insect):

. The middle of the rock structures;

. Under the cement;

. Under bark, stones, wood or bushel clusters;

. In rodent nests and animal burrows;

. Under the porch of a house;

. In the chicken coops.

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