Today' Update Gangaa 28 April 2021

 Today' Update Gangaa 28 April  2021 

Episode 82  & 83 

The peon is cleaning the premises while Bulbul and her friends throw banana peels there only. He scolds them for creating a mess. Throw garbage in the bin. Bulbul retorts that he should mind his business as he is only a peon. I will throw garbage wherever I feel like. Ganga reprimands her for talking to elders like that. Don’t you understand? She picks up a broom and begins to help him. Bulbul remarks that this is the best suited work for this girl. She tells Ganga to do it properly. Principal reaches school and notices Ganga cleaning the school premises. She is different than the rest. There is something different about her. She compliments Ganga for the good work. It helps in keeping diseases at bay. Bulbul and her gang are not happy. The girls greet her. Principal also joins Ganga and the peon. The other teachers are in for a shock. They too join them. Other girls too begin to help them.

mehek et son mari dans la vrai vie
mehek et son mari
zindagi ki mehek distribution
changement du destin pragya enceinte
mehek et son vrai mari

Ganga asks Principal about the spot where the flag will be put. Principal nods. You are one smart kid. The girls assemble for morning prayers. Bulbul decides to do something about Ganga. She has cast a spell on Ma’am.

MLA’s son shows off his new videogame to Yash. My father has brought it for me. It has all the latest games. The kids talk about the competition and what all preps they have made for it. Sagar calls Yash aside. Yash’s says my mother has brought everything necessary for the project. Everyone will be amazed to see it on 15th August. The kids greet their teacher as she enters. She begins to teach them but Sagar is not able to concentrate as Chandan in playing games (sounds). He tells Chandan to focus on studies but Chandan calls him a jealous kid. I wont stop playing. You can complaint to the miss if you want to. Sagar finally tells the teacher about it. She scolds Chandan and takes his videogame. Chandan looks angrily at Sagar.

Today' Update Gangaa 28 April  2021

Bulbul makes a plan with her friends against Ganga. That widow should come from the planned route only and must not see anything. We will have to be careful. I will teach her a very good lesson today!

Niru suggests Babli to resume studies. You will feel better when you will go to college and meet new people. You will become an independent woman. You will get lots of career choices. Madhvi too wants the same. We have thought something similar for Ganga. She is so dedicated and has such a strong will power to do something. NIru nods. I have great hopes from both these girls.

Amma ji reminds Madhvi to remind Pulkit that he has to bring her Bhagvad Gita.

Pulkit and his girlfriend keep looking at each other while talking to their group of friends. She leaves a book for him on the porch. He picks it up and leaves the one there that he was holding. The girl returns to pick it up. They both read the love letters that they have received from one another.

Ganga finishes her lunch and goes to wipe her hands. One of Bulbul’s friends comes to tell her that Reena is calling her near the swings. Ganga rushes there. She calls out for Reena but doesn’t see her there. Bulbul and her friends are hiding behind trees on two different sides. They signal to each other. They pull a rope a little above ground level. Ganga falters as she comes in contact with it and falls face down in mud. Her clothes get muddied. Bulbul and her friends come out and mock Ganga. Ganga somehow manages to get up. The girls taunt her. Ganga knows that Bulbul is behind this idea. She thinks of Madhvi’s words. Bulbul asks her if she will hit her. Ganga denies. I will make you my friend! She runs to give a hug to a confused Bulbul. The other girls run away. Bulbul frees herself but Ganga is not ready to let go of her. we are friends. I wont hit you. Bulbul keeps warning her to stay away but Ganga is in no mood to let go.

Bulbul complains to Gunwanti that it is Ganga’s doing. Gunwanti asks Ganga about it. The one who throws mud on others gets muddied / dirty too. Ganga replies that no one did it. Bulbul is my friend. We were playing and fell in the mud. Gunwanti sends them both out of the class. She next asks Reena about what happened in a tv show yesterday. Outside, Ganga tells Bulbul that she could have told the truth to Madam ji and even complained to Principal Ma’am but it would yield nothing. You wont change. I too would have become like you! Bahu ji says one should not leave their good qualities only for the fact that the other person is engaging with me in a fight. You can trouble me or irritate me if you want to. I wont stand anything that’s wrong. Bulbul is not in a mood to listen to any of her warnings. I am bigger than you. We will see who is stronger. No point talking big! I am not like you. You will regret becoming my enemy. Ganga clears that she is talking about friendship. You talk about enmity. You too are like me. we both are girls. You are only bigger in size while I have stronger will power. I never give up!

Ms. D’Souza is thinking who will sing along with Bulbul tomorrow as Payal is sick. No one is ready but Ganga vouches for it. Ms. D’Souza asks her if she can sing. Teachers ask Ganga sing the national anthem but she recites Hanuman Chalisa. The teachers agree to let Ganga sing in the function tomorrow along with Bulbul. Bulbul doesn’t want to sing with this widow! She starts coughing. I wont be able to take part in tomorrow’s function. Gunwanti suggests her a few ideas but Bulbul says maybe I wont be coming to school tomorrow. Take someone else in my place. Bulbul continues to fake coughs. No girl steps forward to sing with Ganga tomorrow.

Ganga carefully looks around to make sure no one is watching her (because of her dirty clothes) while she is about to get inside the house. She watches Amma ji doing puja. She will scold me or stop me from going to school. Sagar notices her and asks her about her dress. How is it so muddied? She agrees to tell later. It will be a problem if Amma ji sees me thus. He is sure she has fought in school yet again but she reminds him that she never fights. He laughs at it. She requests him to help her. Sagar diverts his Dadi to give him more Prasad. She goes to her room to bring it while Ganga straight away runs upstairs. Amma ji gives Sagar Prasad. She notices the dirty marks on the stairs. Sagar lies that he was playing outside with his friend. She doesn’t mind it as he is a boy after all. She calls out for Mehri.

Pulkit is reading his love letter. He hears his father calling out for him and hides the letter in a book. Niru asks him about Amma ji’s Bhagvad Gita. Pulkit takes it down. The letter is hidden in that book only. NIru asks Pulkit about Independence Day practise. Amma ji is gets up to go when the letter falls from the book. Niru reads it. He asks everyone whose letter is it. Pulkit confesses that it is his. Niru points out that it is a love letter. Ganga wonders why Babu is getting so angry. Anyone can write a letter to Pulkit Bhaiya. Niru scolds Pulkit. Is this what you are studying nowadays? Who has written it? Pulkit replies that this isn’t a love letter. Niru points out at Jaanu written in the beginning. Pulkit lies that he is participating in the school play. A girl addresses me that ways. I was practising for the same. It is a romantic comedy play. Niru wonders what kind of plays is happening in schools nowadays! Sagar has no idea about Pulkit acting in a play. Ganga wonders if BHaiya was lying.

Sagar shows his project to his father. Niru likes it. Ganga says it is ok. It can be made better. Sagar regrets asking her. She points out that she only said that it can be made better. Sagar wraps his project and goes upstairs. She never likes anything that I do! Ganga turns to Babu. See how he talks to me. Niru doesn’t want to meddle in their affairs. You fight one moment and are friends very next moment. She asks him about Independence Day and he explains her everything. We hoist our national flag, sing national anthem and think of all the martyrs who had sacrificed their lives to help us gain freedom. Freedom means everyone having an equal right to make any decision. Ganga runs to help Amma ji in her puja.

Posters of MLA’s goon are being put around Niru’s locality. Another goon of MLA sees this and runs off to tell his boss. Amma ji is going somewhere when a man by mistake collides with her. She asks the guy if she cannot see properly. Someone gives something to Amma ji (that she had previously asked for). Both Amma ji and the guy couldn’t see each other’s faces but the guy is in thoughts. I have heard this voice before. Is it hers? He takes out Amma ji’s photo (of younger times). Kanta I am here! I will find you this time and I have to avenge for past. I have come!

The guy sits nearby to drink tea at a stall. He notices the poster. It can fetch a prize of 20k!

Ganga thinks of Niru’s words as she looks at Sagar’s project. She reads all the names. She sits down to make a lady who is wearing a tricoloured saree. She pastes it in the middle of India’s map that Sagar has drawn on it. She writes Bharat Mata is Sapoot. She wraps the chart. Maharaj ji comes to call Sagar for dinner. He asks her what is she doing with the chart. Sagar walks in and scolds Ganga for thinking that she is smarter than him. You think I cannot do anything on my own? Don’t touch my stuff next time. She thinks that Sagar dint even see it. Did I do a mistake?

Ganga is sleeping when she cannot get Niru’s probing questions about the attacker out of her mind. She recalls the stampede on the Ganga ghaat. She wakes up screaming, Bappa save me! Amma ji gets down seeing what happened to her and Ganga hugs her. Amma ji asks her why is she scared. No one is here. You don’t have to be scared. Niru and Madhvi too come running there. Niru gives her water. Amma ji tells them what happened. Niru assures Ganga that nothing happened. Ganga tells Babu that that guy will kill her. He has a gun in his hand. She drinks water. Madhvi says it would be a bad dream. You are very brave. NIru and Madhvi leave. Amma ji too lies down to sleep. Ganga shifts her bedding near her bed.

MLA’s PA (Verma) informs MLA that Shankar is in Banaras. He wants to talk to you. I tried to tell him against it but he isn’t listening to me. MLA says tell him that I am out of town. I wont be back soon. Verma nods.

Verma calls Shankar and lies to him. Shankar knows that it’s a lie. He doesn’t want to meet me. its ok, I too am stubborn. I will meet him at any cost.

Niru is sitting lost in thoughts. Madhvi asks him about it. Niru thinks that Ganga’s dream is somehow surely related to reality. She recognized that man from the sketch a little. She also said that he had a gun with him. She got scared in dreams and was talking about a guy with a gun in his hand. Madhvi says it might be but she might be stressed after all your questions. Niru is sure there is something. She knows or has seen that man somewhere but doesn’t remember it exactly.

Next morning, Ganga is getting ready to go to the school. Everyone gets ready to go to school with the kids. Ganga wishes them best of luck. Niru is impressed. You are learning things very fast. Are you doing something today? She tells them that she will be singing national anthem. Sagar gives them small Indian flags to pin on the dress. Ganga politely declines to put it as it has colours in it. Niru explains that it is the representing symbol of our country. It is our responsibility to respect national flag, even if the person is from any caste, religion or anything. Ganga gets glad that Amma ji too will put it. Sagar nods and pins it on her saree. Niru asks Ganga if the guardians of Ganga aren’t called in her school. Sagar denies. There is nothing happening there. I am participating. Niru still wants to go for a while but Ganga assures them that she will go. Sagar teases her by asking her if she will get scared like yester night. They all leave for their destinations.

Ganga finds Reena sitting on her parents shop. She is not coming today. Her parents want her to help them in the shop. Reena works very hard at shop. At times I don’t even get a chance to study. Ganga explains them that studies are very important. All the girls should study. I too took admission for the very same reason. one day I will become a big person like Babu. It will be such a great thing if she becomes something good and earns money. They nod but add that there will be no studies today. Ganga tells them what Babu had told them. so many people sacrificed their lives so we could live freely. It is equally important to go today as we celebrate this day in their honour. Reena’s parents understand Ganga’s logic. She sits down to help Reena. They both finish the work together and Reena joins Ganga for school. The girls leave. Reena’s mother is impressed with Ganga. She is so young yet so smart.

Sagar’s school is completely decorated for the event.

Bulbul has plans after school as she doesn’t want to get bored. Reena and Ganga too decide to go near Sagar’s school.

The chief guest (MLA and his group) arrives at Sagar’s school. MLA looks pointedly at Niru as he heads towards the stage. Pulkit and his girlfriend steal glances at each other.

Principal joins the kids for the functions. It is time for flag hoisting.

Flag hoisting happens in Sagar’s school too. Everyone salutes the flag and sings national anthem.

Flag hoisting takes place in Ganga’s school too. The girls too salute at it. it is time for national anthem. Ganga steps forward. Bulbul is happy thinking that Ganga will be singing alone. No one will sing with her. Ganga too thinks of the same. Reena thinks of how Ganga helped her. She steps forward and sings along with Ganga. Bulbul and her gang eye them unhappily.

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