Health: eating 3 dates a day, the effects on your body

 Health: eating 3 dates a day, the effects on your body

The date is the edible fruit of the date tree. It is a fleshy, oblong fruit containing an elongated "core" marked with a longitudinal furrow. It's a very energetic fruit.

Health: eating 3 dates a day, the effects on your body

Get into the habit of eating a few dates during the day and you will notice results.

The date has a reputation for being sweet, which is unfair. These fruits are much healthier than sweets! Consuming dates regularly has beneficial effects. So if you feel like eating something sweet at night, don't take the first packet of candy, but opt for a date. What for?

 Health: eating 3 dates a day, the effects on your body

Let us tell you...

You will definitely eat a few dates a day after reading this article!

Blood vessels

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Les dattes sont bonnes pour vos vaisseaux sanguins car elles aident à empêcher le calcique de s’y installer. Trop de calcique dans vos vaisseaux sanguins peut boucher des artères, ce qui peut provoquer des risques d’AVC, d’attaques cardiaques et autres maladies cardiovasculaires. Manger rien que trois dates offre une réelle différence !

Une recherche a été effectuée sur les effets que peuvent avoir les dattes sur votre foie, et celles-ci renforcent cet organe.

✓ Cœur

Ce fruit est également excellent pour votre cœur. Il contient de grandes quantités de potassium, ce qui rend la date très efficace en termes de prévention contre les maladies cardiaques. Votre cholestérol LDL sera bien plus faible grâce aux dattes et les risques d’AVC et d’attaques cardiaques bien plus faibles.

✓ Yeux

One of the things that dates contain is a lot of vitamin A. This vitamin helps protect your eyes and regenerate your cornea. The fruit also contains a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect your eyes and generate a protective filter against harmful ultraviolet rays. 

A boost

 Health: eating 3 dates a day, the effects on your body

Dates are the perfect little snack to take between meals, like nuts. They contain sugar to give you the energy boost you need. Combine the snack with nuts and this boost will last even longer thanks to the fat that the nuts contain. At the same time, vitamins stimulate your brain activity.


Eating a date or two will stimulate your digestion. Constipation, indigestion and other such problems will be soothed or prevented thanks to the purifying effect of dates. Thanks to the amino acids and fibers they contain, dates 

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