Causes de séparation des jeunes couples en Côte d'Ivoire

 Causes of separation of young couples in Ivory Coast

Causes de séparation des jeunes couples en Côte d'Ivoire


In Ivory Coast, we notice that young couples separate after three to four months after the celebration of their union. Faced with this sad and unfortunate situation, we met with resource persons, couples over 34 years old. According to Mrs. Golio Fulgence: "Nowadays, young people go before the Mayor to

Causes de séparation des jeunes couples en Côte d'Ivoire

 make their case. The financial and material difficulties, the problem of children, the parents' opinion and the behavior of young women in their homes, cause their disunion. Some churches forbid lovers to have sex before marriage", she gave her point of view, on June 27 in the premises of the church of the . Mr. Sohou Gabriel, on the other hand, accuses young

Causes de séparation des jeunes couples en Côte d'Ivoire

 people who marry without the advice of their parents: "One does not marry without the blessing of the parents of both spouses. Some people impose their future wife on their parents. Today's women do not like the parents of their husbands. Excessive jealousy is also the cause of these ephemeral marriages," he said. What advice should young people be given for lasting marriages?

Causes de séparation des jeunes couples en Côte d'Ivoire

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