Un pharmacien meurt au campus de Cocody ce samedi en plein match de maracana

 Pharmacist dies at Cocody campus this Saturday in the middle of a maracana match

Un pharmacien meurt au campus de Cocody ce samedi en plein match de maracana

A tragedy occurred this Saturday, March 20 at the Cocody campus. Dr. Gbocho Sostene Edgar, owner of the SEBROKO Pharmacy in Attecoubé, tragically passed away in the middle of a sport. In the middle of a maracana game. All efforts by his teammates to save Edgar Gbocho were unsuccessful.

Un pharmacien meurt au campus de Cocody ce samedi en plein match de maracana

The owner of the SEBROKO Pharmacy in Attecoube has therefore gone from life to death to the great misfortune of his biological family, his friends Maracaniers all in tears and not knowing where to in the face of this unexpected tragedy. It is therefore death in the soul that the lifeless body of Dr. Gbocho Sostene Edgar was transferred to Ivosep Treichville, the time that the family meets to establish an official program of the funeral of the one whose friends are full of praise for him.

Un pharmacien meurt au campus de Cocody ce samedi en plein match de maracana

It should be remembered that the late Edgar Sostene Gbocho is one of the sons of Emmanuel Gbocho Chonou, former director of the Regional Centre for University Works (CROU).

Un pharmacien meurt au campus de Cocody ce samedi en plein match de maracana

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