Gérant d'une toilette publique, HH reçoit pas moins de 100 clients par jour et s'en sort très bien

 Manager of a public toilet, HH receives no less than 100 customers a day and is doing very well

The field of public toilets, far from prejudice, is doing well in Côte d'Ivoire and is making a lot of money. HH young Ivorian in his thirties we met near the big market of Koumassi tells us about his experience.

Gérant d'une toilette publique, HH reçoit pas moins de 100 clients par jour et s'en sort très bien

In Abidjan, many shops in bus stations and around the markets are turned into latrines. Rates for public toilets range from 25 CFA francs to 100 Fcfa as needed. At the end of the day, managers can end up with 10,000 F or 15,000 Fcfa. They rub their hands well. This is the case of HH, a young Ivorian in his thirties who manages a public toilet in the commune of Koumassi and who says he is doing well.

 Manager of a public toilet, HH receives no less than 100 customers a day and is doing very well

<< Before I sold tea, but it didn't really work, so I informed those around me of my willingness to do something else.C's how my uncle who rented a department store turned it into a public toilet and offered to run it. I didn't even hesitate. Today I manage the public toilets >> he says.

Continuing, HH advances: << Home here, WC is 50 Fcfa, urinating is 25 Fcfa and washing is 100 Fcfa. Every day I get no less than 100 customers because my local is well located. On the descent I sometimes earn 10,000 Fcfa, sometimes 15,000 Fcfa , and there are days that do not succeed me well where I earn at least 7000 Fcfa. Unlike other places, here, I pay a recipe of 8000 Fcfa every day to my uncle and the surplus is mine. So I sometimes get away with 7000 FCFA a day, often 5000 F and bad days 3000 Fcfa. At the end of the month, I get away with no less than 150,000 Fcfa. With this, I live decently without reaching out >> HH.

Gérant d'une toilette publique, HH reçoit pas moins de 100 clients par jour et s'en sort très bien

While some customers we met complained about rates that were considered too expensive, they did not have much choice when the need a arises.

 Manager of a public toilet, HH receives no less than 100 customers a day and is doing very well

Seen up close, some public toilets are shelters of microbes, as hygiene leaves something to be desired. Just get close to it so that a mixture of urine, feces and mold will attack you. Managers, however, say they have a particular focus on hygiene. Customers are content with that.

Gérant d'une toilette publique, HH reçoit pas moins de 100 clients par jour et s'en sort très bien

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