Today' Update Gangaa Episode 110 & 111

 Today' Update Gangaa  Episode 110 & 111

Episode 110 & 111

The epi begins with Sagar asks her what she is saying. They want you to lose. I am helping you. She refuses to take anyone’s help. She questions Sahyogi if they will throw Mahant ji out of the competition if anyone from the spectators will say something in his favour? Why are you doing this with me? Sahyogi knows that she is doing it to Sagar’s Dada’s shrad can be done. She reasons that she never lies. He doesn’t even study in my school. How can he be my friend? He is from a rich house. I am doing it all for Amma ji. Sagar feels bad. I refused to call you my friend but is this how you will take revenge for the same? You will talk like this before everyone?

Today' Update Gangaa  Episode 110 & 111

In the car, Amma ji thinks of Mahant’s mother continuously asking for her help. She is in dilemma. If Ganga wins then Mahant will die. I want her to lose but her life too will be in risk if she loses. The car breaks down. She notices Sudha and Mamta walking by. She calls out for Sudha.

Ganga asks them again if they will fall for anyone’s words just like that. It is wrong to call me a loser like this. Sahyogi thinks that she is too smart. she is doing a bigger drama than me. Pundit ji supports Ganga. If Sagar is really not her friend then it will be wrong to disqualify her. Sahyogi’s men take Sagar out. He feels bad that she refused to acknowledge him. I came to help you! Pundit ji allows Ganga to take part in the next round.

Sudha is confused to know that Amma ji wants Ganga to lose. There is one solution but you will have to do what I say.

Prabha is walking on the streets singing a song when a car drives past her. Her clothes get dirty as mud splashes on them. The car stops. Prabha looks at the boxes. The new neighbours surely look rich. She fights with the driver over her laundry bill. The owner steps down the car and taunts her. Prabha recognizes her to be one of her school friends. The lady looks confused. She recalls her a little later. Prabha gives her a forced hug. The lady thinks that Prabha still hasn’t changed. She is just the same. Her husband is a very big officer in Income Tax Office. He just got transferred. Prabha does not talk about her husband but she speaks highly of Niru. She gives directions of her house. He friend calls that area low standard. Prahba invites her to Niru’s house. We will have tea and snacks. Her friend tries to decline but Prabha insists.

The next round will be a test of the willpower of both the participants. Ganga mentally apologizes to Sagar for what she did. I have to live by my word. I will make up for it once I am back inside the house. I will stay with you only after all.

 Today' Update Gangaa  Episode 110 & 111

Pundit ji asks both the participants to stand on a piece of log. Whoever stands on it for the max possible time wins! You cannot take any support. People discuss over it. They find it tough but Mahant ji thinks it to be easier. Both Ganga and Mahant ji stand on the logs. Ganga thinks of an instance when Niru had asked her about studies. She had told him that she cannot learn anything. He had advised her to concentrate. Your willpower should be strong and you shouldn’t think of anything negative. Nothing will go wrong then. She stands on the log all calmly now. It surprises Bal Mahant. He falls down from the log. Ganga is still holding her place. People are also amazed by Ganga. She steps down from the log. She has won this round. Ganga thanks her Babu for it. Sahyogi excuses himself for a minute. This Bal Mahant will take me down! He has no brains! Why should I worry then? It is my win even if he loses. One disciple asks him why he looks so happy. Aren’t you worried? Sahyogi reminds him that Bal Mahant’s death will benefit them as well. Let him lose. Let him take Jal Samadhi. People will become extra dedicated then. The more their dedication, the more they will donate. This will be good for the Matth now. It is ours only. He isn’t concerned about Bal Mahant at all! He is really lucky that he will be called great even after losing! People talk about Bal Mahant ji taking Jal Samadhi. He only can do it. Normal people like us aren’t capable of it at all! Sahyogi overhears it and is happy.

Outside, Sagar thinks of Ganga’s words. I brought so much info for you. I considered you my friend but you! You too revenge for my insult. Why should I help you when you don’t care! I am leaving. He hears people clapping. He wonders why they are making so much noise. Who gave a right answer? I don’t care who wins and who loses. He notices Amma ji reaching there in a rickshaw. She has come to make sure Ganga loses. What will happen now? If she loses then she will have to take Jal Samadhi. I cannot let anything happen to her. I cannot let her die even if she doesn’t consider me her friend. I will stop Dadi. Amma ji is not happy to see sagar there. You cheated everyone so you can help Ganga. He does not make way for her to get in. I know you don’t want Ganga to win. You don’t want her to come back. She warns him not to test her. I will slap you today otherwise. He doesn’t mind it but wants Ganga to win. Amma ji thinks of Prabha’s words yet again. You were right. I am bad. I have to act bad now. I have no choice. She gets inside. He wonders who to send inside to stop Dadi.

In the market, Mehri has to buy more stuff but the money was a little less. She thinks of going to Niru’s office but then decides against it. He might be busy in work. I will go home and take money from Bahu ji. Barkha reaches there in an auto. Mehri notices her. I should ask her why she is here! She begins to cross the road when she has to stop because of a passing by car. She has lost track of Barkha.

 Today' Update Gangaa  Episode 110 & 111

Niru scolds Madhvi for giving the idea of staying in a hotel to Barkha. Madhvi tries to explain but he does not want her Mama and Mami to think wrong of them. She reasons that it might create problem for Barkha if she has to travel long distance. He talks about their respect. Maharaj ji leaves from there sending his bad mood. Niru continues to scold her but Barkha tells him not to blame her Di. I shouldn’t have told you about it. Don’t talk to my Di like that. Niru leaves. Barkha apologizes to her sister with a hug. Make something for me. I was all hungry in college today. Mehri thinks that she was not in the college. She was roaming outside Niru’s office. Liar! Barkha talks to Madhvi about the surprise tonight. He will get happy. I will change and then tell you what all you have to do to change Jijz’s mood. Madhvi looks a little uncomfortable. Mehri decides to tell the truth to Amma ji. Barkha Didi is lying to her own sister.

Both Ganga and Mahant ji are holding a bell each in their hands. It is the last round of the competition. They will be asked a question. Whoever answers first will be announced the winner. You will have no time to think. You have to answer as soon as the question finishes. You will score or lose your points as per your answer.

Sahyogi’s men have kept Mahant’s mother captive. He is planning something big. Sahyogi is not tensed anymore. Mahant wins then it is good. It will be great if he loses. I don’t care about his life at all! He is shocked to see Amma ji entering inside.

Sagar is crying as he calls his father. Niru asks him what happened. Sagar tells him about Jal Samadhi. He shares everything in detail. Niru is shocked to know about it. Sagar requests him to save Ganga. Dadi wont let her win. If she loses then she will have to die! Please come. Niru gets up.

 Today' Update Gangaa  Episode 110 & 111

Amma ji joins the other people who are watching the competition. Ganga gives the right answer to the next question – how much time will it take to take the round of the world! My Bappa is my world. It used to take only one minute to take a round around him. She recalls Pishi Ma telling her a similar story of Ganesh ji. Sahyogi challenges her answer. She cross questions him using Ganesh ji’s story. The spectators justify her stance. Ganga gets the right answer. The next question is what is fastest. Bal Mahant answers wind but Ganga is drawn back to her Bappa’s memories. Heart is the fastest. It can take you anywhere and within a second. Nothing can beat it. She gives her answer. Amma ji and Bal Mahant are taken aback to know that her answer is right. Bal Mahant’s mother’s words echo in Amma ji’s mind. She tells Ganga not to ring the bell. You cannot win! Ganga thinks of her challenge. I know you want me not to come back to the house. Amma ji wants Ganga to lose so a mother does not lose her son. She walks closer to Ganga. You know nothing will happen to you if you win. But if Mahant loses then he will die because of Jal Samadhi. Amma ji tells Ganga about her encounter with Mahant ji’s mother. If you lose then Mahant ji’s mother will die with him. You cannot win! Accept defeat. Ganga asks her how she will fulfil her promise then. Amma ji stays put. Can you still not understand? Stop this game. You should lose out to Mahant ji. This makes Sahyogi tensed. Why this woman wants Ganga to lose? In that case, Bal Mahant wont be able to take Jal Samadhi. Stop this drama. No one will come in between this competition now. The competition will complete.

Sudha and other ladies request the Inspector to save Ganga but he cannot interfere in matters of religion. I don’t want to lose my job. Sudha reminds him of his duty. It is your duty to save people’s lives. Why are you given this uniform if you cannot save a little girl? He advises them to instead go to ashram and pray. He leaves. Sudha is tensed about Ganga. We have no time to save Ganga.

Sahyogi’s men try to take Amma ji out. Ganga follows them asking them to stop. She is asked to sit in her place. Amma ji yet again asks her not to answer. You got to lose. Sahyogi wants the challenge to resume. They should have thought of the consequences earlier. The last question is – which flower is offered to Shree Krishna and in what quantity. Bal Mahant does not know the answer. Ganga remembers Amma ji scolding Mehri once. Mehri had brought the wrong flowers once to offer to Shree Krishna. Amma ji repeats that Ganga should not give the answer. Sagar questions her. Why not? You want Ganga to lose and die by drowning in water? Amma ji is in a fix. At one side, there is a mother who will die if anything happens to her son. On the other hand, there is Ganga. I may not like her. She has snatched my son, my grandson from me but I don’t want death for her. What should I do? Sagar prompts Ganga to answer. Amma ji denies. They both fight over it.

Sagar tells Ganga not to listen to Dadi. Give answer. Amma ji warns Ganga not to give answer. You can save two lives. Ganga thinks over the same. Can I really save two lives or Amma ji is saying it just for the sake of it? Pundit ji asks Mahant ji to answer. Mahant replies that he does not know the answer. Sahyogi asks Ganga to speak up. You know the answer, right? Answer the question! Amma ji and Sagar speak their minds to Ganga. Amma ji thinks that Ganga will understand her point if she sees Bal Mahant’s mother. She does not trust me. People cannot understand why none of them are answering. Sahyogi yet again insists upon Ganga to answer. She is confused. He is with Bal Mahant. Why is he pushing me so much? Ganga bluntly asks Sahyogi why he wants her to win. If Mahant ji wins, then the name of your Matth will become all the more popular. Why do you want Mahant ji to lose? Do you want him to take Jal Samadhi? People mull over her words. Even Bal Mahant looks dubious. Sahyogi goes quiet. The bell slips out of Mahant ji’s hands. Amma ji’s words and the look on Bal Mahant’s face make Ganga quiet. She signals Bal Mahant to look at her hands. She gives him the answer through gestures. Sahyogi and Sagar also notice the same. Bal Mahant gets worried for her as now she will have to take Jal Samadhi. She smiles brightly at him. Bal Mahant has tears in his eyes.

Bal Mahant ji rings the bell. I will answer this question.

Sudha keeps requesting the Inspector to save Ganga. Help us in stopping this injustice from happening. The Inspector repeats his words. Niru says now you will lose your job. Officers like you don’t deserve this uniform. You don’t want to stop such illegal activities from happening in your area. What will happen if I complain against you? Wrong is wrong. You cannot let people play with others on the basis of religion. Sudha is relieved to see him there. Amma ji wont be able to stop Ganga from taking Jal Samadhi for too long. He is surprised that his mother knows it yet she dint tell him. Sudha says she did all this so as to save Ganga. Niru assures them that he wont let anything wrong happen with Ganga. He leaves with policemen.

Outside, Amma ji looks around for Bal Mahant’s mother but cannot see her anywhere. A man comes out running. He says that Ganga is taking Jal Samadhi. Amma ji is shcoked that Ganga dint give the answer even though she knew it. I will save her. I cannot let her take Jal Samadhi.

Sahyogi boasts of Bal Mahant’s victory. I knew it that this girl wont be able to stand before Bal Mahant. He has so much knowledge while she knows nothing. He thinks that she ruined his game by telling the answer to Bal Mahant. Still it would help me. You all are lucky to see her taking Jal Samadhi with your eyes.

Niru is on his way.

Sahyogi announces that in the next birth, Ganga will come as Devi after taking Jal Samadhi. Take blessings and donate as much as you want to! Amma ji is angry to know that Sahyogi is tryin g to earn money even by using Ganga. He wont even get a place in hell. People blindly donate money. Sagar is worried. Amma ji asks them to stop. This girl will die. Why do you all trust it that she will become Devi in her next birth? She is a little girl.

The episode end here 📌

Stay for Tomorrow Own !! 

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