La nouvelle ministre de la Solidarité pose un acte fort dans un village qui réjouit les habitants.

 La nouvelle ministre de la Solidarité pose un acte fort dans un village qui réjouit les habitants.

Nos citoyens ne demandent rien d'autre aux autorités que leur disponibilité.

La nouvelle ministre de la Solidarité pose un acte fort dans un village qui réjouit les habitants.

Être proches des populations, vivre ou connaître leurs réalités est l'essentiel pour eux.

And it is this delicate mission that Minister Myss Belmonde Dogo, recently appointed Minister of Solidarity and the Fight against Poverty, has given herself.

After several actions she has just taken a salutary act that delights an entire village.

Indeed, Myss Belmonde Dogo recently inaugurated a water tower in the village of Ziriwa (Guibéroua).

According to the Ivorian Press Agency (AIP), this achievement, which is estimated to cost "6.5 million CFA francs, has been fully financed against the dominatrix's own background".

Far from advertising it, we must recognize that this is what is expected most from our elected representatives.

 La nouvelle ministre de la Solidarité pose un acte fort dans un village qui réjouit les habitants.

Go to the people, know their concerns and then try to support them within their means. This is what truly delights the hearts of the people.

 La nouvelle ministre de la Solidarité pose un acte fort dans un village qui réjouit les habitants.

As a reminder, she is also a Member of Parliament for the administrative district of Guibéroua-Grébalo-Dignago (Gagnoa).

Honourable thank you for this great gesture!🙏

 La nouvelle ministre de la Solidarité pose un acte fort dans un village qui réjouit les habitants.

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